A Daily History Podcast

Your Daily Dose of History

Helps you learn about today
Improves knowledge of history
Reminds you of famous birthdays
Prevents Boredom
Helps you to forget 2020 for a few minutes

May cause laughter, enjoyment, and education in some users.  Results may vary. See a doctor if listening lasts longer than four hours.

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About the Podcast

Today is National Try a New Podcast Day! Ok, that’s not true, but if you listen to the podcast, you would know which “National Day” it is today and learn a little more about the day.

We also tell you which events happened each, in a fun and entertaining way.  You can learn, laugh, or totally hate it and stop listening; it is entirely up to you.

It is a great day to give us a try, and we do hope to become a daily habit that helps you learn the unique story of today.

Today’s Episode


Additional Episodes

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